A short story

Alright, what's going on dudes and welcome to my blog. (Billie jean- Michael Jackson) Last time I wrote in English, I asked what you would like to read about on the next English edition. The only answer was short stories. I've never really written a short story but I'm going to give it a try. So, without further ado, let's get started.

I've been stuck for quite a while now. I don't know what to write about nor how to write it. I'm not sure about who I want my characters to be. I don't know how the story will end... perhaps I'll let you decide in a Christopher Nolan kind of way, not that I would compare myself with Christopher Nolan. It's been three days I believe since I wrote that first paragraph. Ideas have come and gone but none have really stuck. I apologize if any of you are impatient to read what I will write next. These things take time. Let's try again.

This story takes place in a house, an ordinary house. In it, lives a family, as ordinary a family as can be. This family's name is Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders had three children, one girl, Gwen, and two boys, Carter and Jason. Mr. Sanders kept only one friend from his childhood: Mr. Cooper, who was married and had two girls, Miranda and Allison. The Cooper family visited the Sanders family very often. Miranda and Gwen were the same age. So were Carter and Allison. Jason was four years younger than Carter and six years younger than Gwen. This complicated things for Jason. He was a bit left out whenever the two families got together since Gwen was always playing with Miranda and Carter was always playing with Allison. They rarely did anything, all five of them together and this meant Jason was often alone to wander around the house on his own. Now Carter was a very creative fella and he made whole universes for him and Allison. They pretended they lived in other planets and had superpowers and whatnot, and Jason... well Jason he wanted to be like his older brother. He wanted to do whatever Carter did, eat what he ate, watch what he watched on the TV, like what he liked and play what he played. This type of behavior is more normal than most people would think but Carter didn't think so. It annoyed him to have someone following him around all the time, imitating his every move, so whenever he had the chance, he would get rid of Jason. 

So when the Cooper family came over, and Allison and Carter would go to play in Carter's bedroom (which was also Jason's bedroom, they shared a bedroom), Jason would ask if he could play with them. At first, Carter would let him play with them and Jason would have the time of his life pretending he was an alien-robot-Jedi-wizard with the power to control electricity in another planet, but soon Carter grew weary of having a third wheel always intervening so by he fifth time the Coopers visited the Sanders, and Jason asked Carter if he could play with Allison and him, Carter said no. That time Carter realized he had much more fun when Jason wasn't around and he never let Jason play with them again.

Once Jason lost hope of ever being able to play with Carter and Allison ever again, he stopped asking if he could play with them and started asking if he could simply watch them play. That's how bored he would get and how much he enjoyed his brother' stories. Again, Carter would let him watch, seeing as he wasn't actually participating, however, he grew tired of hearing his reactions and having someone there, watching him play made him uncomfortable. But saying no when Jason would ask if he could see them play was too harsh, even for him. So, whenever Jason asked if he could watch Carter and Allison play, he would say "sure, just give us twenty minutes". Jason would blindly trust his brother to keep count and when he felt that the twenty minutes were past, he would knock on the door and ask "is it time yet?" Carter would simply say not yet. Hours would go by but it never occurred Jason to check the clock. Not that that would do him much good, you see, Jason didn't know how to read a clock so he waited patiently outside his own room for twenty minutes to pass. 

He never got it right. Every time he asked Carter, he would say there were still ten or five minutes left. Those twenty minutes were very long and before they ended, Allison and Carter would stop playing or the Cooper family would leave. Once Jason learned how to read a clock, he had other friends he had made at kindergarten. All he had to do was invite one of them whenever the Coopers came. He couldn't do that when it was the other way around when his family went to the Cooper's house, but at least he had someone to play with half the times, even if it was never quite the same as playing with his older brother. 

The solution came when Allison got a Nintendo DS for Christmas with plenty of Mario bros games. She didn't like having Jason around either so she would lend him her DS and Jason would be entertained for as long as they needed him to be. When Carter and Allison grew too old to keep playing the games they did (which is much older than either of them would care to admit), Jason had already got over his admiration for Carter. He was a big boy now, he went to school and made his own friends. He didn't need his brother but in a way, he remained sad for he never really knew what having an older brother, a real one who would help with his homework, and give him advice on dating girls, and show him music and always be his partner in crime, was like. But oh well, you win some, you lose some. That's life, you don't always get a perfect happy ending or a tragic sad one. More often than not you are just disappointed by what you got or you make do with what you have and carry on.

So how was that for a short story? If you didn't like it, don't say I didn't warn you. Have a nice day, and until next time.


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